
In Good Taste is a fun client of mine. I design creative infographics for their blog posts. For this blog post, I created a hand-drawn charcuterie board filled with cheese, meats, jams, bread, and more. I wanted the viewers to see this and want to grab a piece of cheese off the page! I have a charcuterie board set of icons to place and make your own board.


For this blog post, I created hand-drawn wine glasses, each wine glass was created for a different type of wine, red, white, or has bubbles. This icon set has all the wine glass options!


For this blog post, my designs are a bit more abstract. Simple wine glasses, barrels, and bottles mixed with abstract globe and wine glass. This set of icons are a bit more interactive.

For my Triptych mural, I created a series of 8 icons. These icons were to help describe the ingredients/ actions in each brewing stage. The icons are a simple graphic style to match the chalkboard feel.


For Taraxa, a San Fransisco tech startup, I created a series of 7 icons. These icons were pulled from larger illustrations I created for their website. Each one is a specific interaction that Taraxa wanted to highlight.


Smart Waste was in the need of marketing material. I created business cards, one-pager, brochures, and more. This set of icons were created to help identity all their company would do for their clients.


Ryan Reifert Law offices needed a large number of infographics for his company. Each infographic helped define legal terms. I wanted to create simple and easy-to-understand icons for this project. Each symbol needed to help carry the complex definitions.
