Fighting 'Artist Block' : 30 Days 30 Works
To say I have been a bit uninspired is an understatement. I find myself so stuck on what to make rather than listening to my hands. ‘Artist block’ is a very real thing; filled with half-formed ideas, scattered thoughts, and a sense of urgency. All of this can cause you to freeze up. So in order to get my eyes off that blank piece of paper, I have come up with an active solution.
30 Works 30 Days
In order to fight ‘artist block’ and provide myself time for my own practice, I will be creating 30 works in 30 days. I will be pushing myself creatively, mentally, and physically. This collection will drive my work in action rather than thought. It gets my minds, body, and hands moving. It is a chance to respond, experiment, and play. This way of working eliminates the chance to over analyze and envolk a free spirited immediacy.
For this collection, I will be utilizing social media. Each day followers will be able to see the start of a piece. These sneak peeks are to inspire viewers to create and encourage a daily practice. Once the piece is complete it will be available on the same day. My goal is to bring everyone on this jounrey with me. If you wish to follow along I will be posting daily on my instagram @megan_prints. All works will be available through my site as well.
I am excited for this new adventure. I am thrilled to be bring everyone along with me as I challange my creativity in a new and immediate way.
New Collection Starts October 14
Join me in the fun
5 Ways to Fight ‘Artist Block’
1.Get out of your space
Sick of looking at the same wall, same computer, same studio? Then create in a new space. Take your work outdoors, to the living room, the garage, or the porch. It does not matter what room you pick just move. The act of moving to a new environment already allows you to take in new smells, lighting, touch, and inpiration. A small move can make big creative waves.
2. Pick up a Magazine
I like to go old school and start making scrapebook vision boards. Not just a Pinterest board but the real deal, find fabric you enjoy, textures you love, images that bring you a spark. Vision boards can start a life of their own. Let them be breathe. Having a vision board allows you to move object around and play.
3. Blind Contours
Take a closer look at what is around you. Blind contours are an amazing practice. Find an object and draw it without looking at the paper and without picking up your pencil. Tricky right? Get into those details, see every line, crack, and mark. These drawings are an amazing way to get your mind and hand talking to each other again. It might even inspire them.
4. Experiment with New Mediums
If you are a painter get those chalks out! Only do printmaking? Then grab those paints brushes. More into pen and ink? Throw colored pencil in there. Change your material, allow for mistakes and listen to the tool itself. Even if you don’t create a masterpiece it might spark a new series.
5. Give Yourself a Break
This might be one of the most important tips I give you today. Sometimes creatives need to recharge. Which means put the pencil down and reeelaxxxx. You are not going to make something brilliant all the time and that is okay. Treat yourself after large projects. Allow yourself to take days off! This is something I struggle with, I feel like I need to always be creating. Wake up call, life is too short to be distraught and creativity drains. Rest up.