Tips to avoid Festival Burnout
Here we are in the final countdown of Christmas. The last three days before Christmas tends to get a bit chaotic. Let’s set the scene: you just remembered you did not send Uncle Bill’s Secret Santa present and you now have to stand in a four-hour line at the post office. You burnt all your cookies and have finally come to the realization that you will never be on the Food Network show Holiday Baking. Your family is melting due to COVID restrictions putting a damper on holiday traditions. And finally, Christmas music is making you cringe inside because this year everyone started celebrating Christmas in October.
Okay so we get it, December and the holiday season can be overwhelming. Sprinkle in a rollercoaster of a year and a global pandemic, suddenly it might be too much. How are we going to get through these next two weeks? Today I want to give you tips and tricks to get through this holiday season, avoid the festival burnout, and redirecting your headspace into a safe haven.
2020 “You’re a Mean One”
Tip 1 Getting through the holiday season
This year might look different for many of us; to zoom calls, mailed packages, and missed friends new traditions are being made. How do we cope with not seeing all our loved ones for the holidays? Let’s get creative together. This year have your friends and family choose a dish or drink to make, once done you can zoom in to compare recipes, compete on presentation, and bond over the experience. I created a holiday sangria this year with my siblings virtually. It was a great time to get creative with ingredients and loosen up.
1 Lime
1 Orange
1 Pear
1/2 cup Pomegranate seeds
2 tbsp Agave nectar
Baking & Spices
2 sticks Cinnamon
Beer, Wine & Liquor
1/4 cup Brandy
1/4 cup Grand marnier
1 bottle Red wine, dry
Tip 2 Avoid Festival Burnout
I think it’s time to give yourself a break in every sense of the word. It’s time to be kind to yourself. We all dove headfirst into this holiday season. Ready to shop, give, and honestly get the year over with. Are you feeling the burnout? Because I know that I am! This is why it is important to take a few days off. That might mean some gifts won’t get wrapped or your holiday meal might be smaller but go easy on yourself. Snuggle up in your new favorite holiday PJ’s, pour yourself a big glass of sangria, and congratulate yourself on getting through 2020.
Tip 3 Safely enjoy the holiday star
If you haven’t heard about the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction then have no fear! The bright planets will be shining till the 24th of December. Take this opportunity to safely meet friends and family outside to look at the star together. Facetime with your grandparents to show them the natural phenomenon. This is a wonderful conversation starter to bring good vibes and hope for our new year.
2020 you may have been a mean one, but 2021 has a bright future ahead.