How to Deal with Rejection
Not accepted, declined, sorry to inform you.., we are going in a different direction, no, dislike, rejected. These words become all too familiar as an artist. Getting rejected is not easy and as a creative, I have experienced my fair share of “no’s”. Getting rejected based on your art can get personal. As creatives, we tend to put a lot of soul, energy, and thought into our work. In a field where there is no “right or wrong” and “breaking the boundaries” is encouraged being rejected can turn ugly fast. Sooooo what steps are next? How do we persevere?
Today I am going to give you my top three tips to get you back on track, making new artwork, and send your next application out.
#1 Let your rejection out with your creativity!
Rather than pushing your feeling down further, let them out. Being creative means we have this wonderful outlet. Paint, draw, write a poem, make a piece out of the rejection letter! Just know this piece isn’t for sale, a show, or online. THIS PIECE IS FOR YOU! Release your feelings of sadness, confusion, and frustration. Let it be fluid, who knows a breakthrough might happen in the process, and if not I promise a weight will be lifted.
#2 Ask for feedback
Sometimes you may be able to reach out to the organization that rejected you and ask for feedback on why you did not get accepted. This feedback can be extremely helpful, talk about a real-life critique. If the organization does not get back to you then start talking to others around you, old professors, Instagram followers, roommates. It is easy to be in your own bubble of understanding however once you start to listen to others you may realize they are seeing something completely different. Learning from other people’s perspectives can be inspirational and insightful for your work.
#3Make a list
Some rejections can hurt so deep that you start to wonder why you are even an artist? What is the point? You might ask. Before we go into a complete spiral grab a pen and paper and write down why you create?! This might take some soul searching but believe me this list will be something you look to throughout your career. We all need little reminders of where the dream started, how far we have come, and what we wish to achieve. Give yourself this blessing.
Rejection is a challenge, a roadblock, and a total pain but as creatives we are fighters. Fight for your creativity, empty out your frustration, listen to your feedback, and remember why the world needs your work.
You are resilient