An Honest Letter To: The person I was From: The person I am becoming
It has officially been two months of isolation and social distancing; that's a whole lot of time to self-reflect. I recall the last thing I did before lockdown. I ran to my studio to grab my artwork, and pick up last-minute supplies. I knew everything was going to close shortly, including my studio space. I wanted to be prepared and avoid going out in public as much as possible! Now between my workouts, cooking, cleaning, and continuous creating I have had a lot of time to think about how COVID-19 will impact our world, specifically our culture, society, community, small businesses, environment, and most importantly our human interactions. In looking toward my future, I cannot help but reflect on my past and who I was right before our world changed and who I am becoming.
A Letter
Dear Former Me,
Life as you know it is about to drastically change. Listen to your mother on this one! The pandemic she is talking about is real and will hit our modern world. I am talking about the entire world; we are all affected by this illness. All we can do now is stay home, stay safe, and wait until this is all manageable. For some it will be boring, for others it will be extremely difficult. I know many people who have become ill due to COVID-19, and to those of you reading this if you have experienced a loss due to the Coronavirus, I am sending you so much love. I know many who have lost their jobs, been furloughed, or their business is barely hanging on. We are all affected by this; we all have our own set of issues to work through. Each day I pray for health and a brighter future.
What I have learned now I wish I could have told myself a few months ago.
Let's break this down.
Pep talk to myself prior to the pandemic in regards to my artwork.
The big word here is flexibility. Sure you think you are a free-spirited artist, who is totally flexible with your life...well get ready for some big changes. You consider yourself a printmaker; so much so that you have lost sight of other mediums. First and foremost you are an artist! Let’s not forget about all the other ways you can create. You are completely capable of experimenting with other mediums. That’s what Bachelor of Fine Arts means and what that extra semester of college was for! Allow yourself to be flexible, experiment, and most importantly learn and grow. Each medium will teach you something new and exciting. This time will lead you to new opportunities and a new way to think about printmaking. Play! Be flexible, and free!
Family and Friends:
Pep talk to myself prior to the pandemic in regards to my family and friends.
Do not take the people in your life for granted. Let’s be real, you have been shying away from connecting with friends and family. Erase that list of excuses, and start living your life to its full potential. Hug your family members often get in the habit of calling your grandparents, and ask your friends for dinner. You will cherish and hold onto these interactions for the upcoming months. Laugh, listen and celebrate. Each day is a blessing. It's okay to show your love and it is okay to be you.
Pep talk to myself prior to the pandemic in regards to my wellness/health.
This one is important. Going through a pandemic really does have you thinking about your health and the health of all your loved ones. I know you are exhausted; arms and body physically hurt. It’s time to start taking care of those yesterday! No matter how busy you are your body is your temple. Take care of it. Start saving those recipes, finally join those online fitness classes, and take those vitamins. A healthy you is a happy you. Be thankful and mindful of your health.
Since COVID-19, I feel as though my eyes have been opened and my perspective on life has shifted. Let yourself open up and shine a little brighter. Create with flexibility and be open to learning. Closely hold onto your family and friends. And treat your body with care. I hope we all learn and grow from this pandemic.
Sending love, laugher, and light