Creating your Website
Setting up a Squarespace
As an artist, designer, videographer, graphic artist, or just A CREATIVE, your portfolio is a large portion of your resume. Our jobs are in the visual world which means presenting our work right will set you apart and give you more opportunities to grow creatively.
What are the benefits of having your own site?
Having your own site allows always showcase your current work. You are able to set up your own pages, change content when needed, and add new accomplishments. Having a website also allows you to sell your own artwork. Your portfolio, store, and bio can all be in one place.
Benefits of Squarespace?
I have had my own website for 5+ years now. I started off with a Wix and quickly changed to Squarespace. Why the switch? Squarespace not only has a clean design but also gives you options to expand. In the beginning, my website was just a portfolio. It showcased my projects in a cohesive manner. Since then I have been able to grow my website into a portfolio, store, bio, and now blog. It is a one-stop destination to learn about my work, see my accomplishments, purchase items, and learn more.
How to start with your own website?
If you too are looking for a way to get your product there, showcase your portfolio, begin your blogging journey, then I cannot recommend Squarespace enough!
Where to begin?
Squarespace allows a free week trial, you are able to start your site, pick a domain, and play with templates for a whole week.
Once your domain is picked. Finding the right template can be tricky. My top three template choices are:
Moksha - Store, blog, Bio (Template I have currently)
Avenue - Portfolio/ Blog (Great for pictures and text)
Foster- Store (Clean and easy to use store design)
Once your template is picked, now it’s time for content, content, content! This can take time to build and most likely will not be done in a week. I recommend setting up your home, about, and contact page first. All other pages can slowly build.
Content can be made before you start a website. This is important, what do you want your website to say? Come up with your mission statement, your target audience, your call to action, and your visual voice.
Need Help, Hire an Illustrator
Most websites have visual content, if you are a visual creator, start making mockups, if you are not start taking photos or hire an illustrator.
I am lost? Please help with creating a Squarespace site?
If you are too busy or overwhelmed with where to begin, do not worry! There are many freelancers who help with building Squarespace websites. I being one of them. Please contact me to discuss building your new Squarespace site. Let’s get your work, product, blog, and more out there!
Contact me with questions or about pricing!